Monday 11 January 2021

You Seek Business Ideas for Beginners But Are You Mentally Equipped?

It's great that you acknowledge that you are starting out and therefore are looking for business ideas for beginners. But...and this is a big you realize that there's a very big difference between starting a business and sustaining and growing a business.

I could list 5 business ideas for beginners and you might like some of them and thank me for having got you started. But I will not do that. I will insist that you first appreciate the need for and next develop the mindset of true business ownership.

Robert Kiyosaki, a distinguished author and visionary, said it best when he described businesses of two types. The S quadrant and the B quadrant. An S quadrant business typically has a few people involved and the business owner is totally involved in the sustenance and growth of the business. Without his personal presence the business would not last 6 months... or even if it did, profitability would come down and it would be the beginning of the end.

B quadrant businesses on the other hand operate on systems. These systems work and the role of the business owner is to drive the system and empower others to adopt and drive the system. After a point (much like cranking up a cold engine) the business starts humming along without the full time involvement of the business owner. He is personally free to guide, envision and diversify.

Now it is usually very easy to list business ideas for beginners in the S quadrant. Because the mentality required to start such businesses is the one we are taught at school and college. We are taught to work hard and seek rewards. Instant gratification. Work and get paid. Sell and make money. Do and receive. But in B quadrant businesses the concept of delayed gratification comes in. You spend time learning the ways of the business and developing this mindset for it. Then you spend time and money setting up the systemic assets in place. There might not be any substantial payback. And only then does the machine begin to hum.

So, if you are prepared for a new B quadrant education here's the good news. You need not spend another 20 years getting it, the way you did in school and college. You could get it in 2 years provided you can unlearn fast! Moreover, you need not quit your current job or work to start this journey, Because the model is designed to teach you on a flextime basis.

The model Robert Kiyosaki recommends for anyone to learn the B quadrant is called Network Marketing. And my business ideas for beginners begin here...

Explore network marketing online [] using this link. Also watch the author explain this on video here

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