Wednesday 6 January 2021

It's OK to Be a Copy Cat Just Make Sure That You Copy the Right Cat

Oprah Is A Good Role Model To Not Duplicate

It has been said, "If you want to be successful all you have to do is to find someone who has achieved the results you want and then duplicate them." Yeah right. Nature has already taught us that no two snowflakes are alike. Even if you went to a copy center to make a copy of a document through a trained eye it will be of a lesser quality than the original.

While true duplication may not be achieved in respects to having the exact same results the goal is to come close. If Oprah was your role model and you went to the same schools as she did and got the same grades as she did and applied and worked for the same companies as she did chances are you would still not be a billionaire. Why? Personality. As long as you are following behind a leader you are demonstrating a completely different personality then they are. So in essence your motivations are not the same and neither will your results be.

One Inspiration Can Go Along Way

The idea of being like someone else is the equivalent of believing in space aliens. It is very hard to do and that is as close to impossible as it gets. If we change for a moment the way we think about the person we are seeking to emulate and the results we want to achieve we might have a better chance at great success.

Remember in the process the person you want to be like never thought of you. Their focus was on them. What successful people do is allow themselves to be inspired by others. For example did you hear the story about the boy who was in a bike accident crushed his spine and was told that he will never walk again? What a seat of motivation when against all odds the boy after many personal trials and discoveries stands up one day and takes his first step. His story is a success but certainly not one to duplicate. The inspiration from the story and life's lessons learned will act as a motivator to inspire.

You Got to Have Will Power

You can gain a lot more from an inspiration than from trying to be like someone else. An inspiration can allow you to achieve greater success. In the past if you had the resources and wanted to be like Ford Motor Corp then all you would make would be the model - t. As history has shown us today we have many varieties of cars. Each version is produced from a different inspiration.

Others have influenced me in a great way. People who write great articles inspire me to do better in my own attempts. As a work from home online business owner I am constantly looking for ways to improve. I learn by watching and listening to others. What I copy from other is that driving force that always changes but gets people to where they want to go. I call it "Will-Power" and there is enough of it to go around.

Trying to be like someone else is a formula for failure. It is really impossible for two people to have the exact same experiences even in a step-by-step environment. What we gain from others to achieve massive results is a work ethic formed with much motivation. However never become so absorbed in someone else's success that you forget your primary motivation, to do you.

Marvin Kane is a marketing guru powered by his belief that the internet is a leveled playing field for anyone who has the passion to explore its depth. To learn more and to grow from where you are in life now to a better income, check out what Mr. Kane is doing now to help ordinary people embrace extraordinary lifestyles.

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