You can create anything that you can imagine. Reach your desires through imagination. Success requires no explanations. Activate your creative imagination.
Imagination works automatically when activated. Your creative and synthetic imagination is where you formulate new ideas and plans of action mixed with what you already know, to reach any goal or desire you may have. Most of us use it without thinking on everyday tasks.
For example: you're driving to work and you come across construction that wasn't there yesterday. All of a sudden you have to find a different way. If it is a job you started recently, you may not know your way around the area well yet. You have to deduce the best way to go. If there are detour signs, do you follow them? Do you use your imagination to make your way and wind through alleys or parking lots? Or do you use a tool, like GPS? Perhaps you have a map. Either way, new information has been entered into you synthetic imagination for future use on your journey to work.
When you give imagination a driving desire with a problem to solve, imagination seeks answers right away. If the answer is not known in its currently available files, it will reach out to other thoughts from the ether that matches.
What happens when you actively exercise imagination? This is what the principles are also used for; remember in chapter four that desire,faith, imagination, organized planning, decision, persistence, a mastermind, energy transmutation, subconscious mind, the brain, and the sixth sense are tools to back auto-suggestion to change your self-programming.
Skill with any tool takes time. It is a specialized knowledge to use it masterfully. It all begins with a thought. And through the use of the tools or principles is made into reality.
You will start with what you know; your synthetic imagination. Reorganizing it into new groupings of memories or thoughts that are saved in your mind. They will begin to transform. Some of the old will be discarded, spring cleaning the mind. You are redecorating your mind with new, more useful and self motivating understanding.
Sometimes this is hard because we are so comfortable with what is already stored in our mind. Like an old piece of favorite furniture. It is comfortable to sit in but may have holes or missing springs or smells. However, in order to grow, we must, from time to time, find something new that serves us better. Plan your mental space redecorating and write it down. The 30 Day Mental Cleanse has set me on the path to learning how to redecorate my mental space. Each chapter of Think and Grow Rich sets aflame a greater understanding of what exactly I've been sitting on.
I know that I must replace what I've been thinking with new thinking. Just stopping the old thinking and leaving an empty void will not work. Like Mr. Frank Gunsaulus learned, I must practice; "The only limitation is that which I have set up in my own mind."
It is said that all physical matter is moving at a different vibration. Insubstantial energy has a higher vibration. Thought is the meeting of the two.
DESIRE... created with thought
FAITH... is belief thought
IMAGINATION... creative and synthetic thoughts
ORGANIZED PLANNING... thoughts put in order
DECISION... finalized thought
PERSISTENCE... self motivating thought
MASTERMIND GROUP... thoughts on steroids
SEX ENERGY TRANSMUTATION... thoughts vibration alteration
SUBCONSCIOUS MIND... the 24/7 thought center
THE BRAIN... what creates, receives, stores and sends thoughts
THE SIXTH SENSE... the connection of thoughts to infinite intelligence
AUTO-SUGGESTION... the governing rule to focus thought
"Thought impulses are forms of energy." -Napoleon Hill
Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes. Ideas are products of the imagination in response to a desire presenting a goal with problems to be overcome. These are all thoughts that can be focused to create the desired object. There is no luck in this. It is planned. The energy created takes on life of its own to become physical.
"Ideas are intangible forces, but they have more power than the physical brains that give birth to them. They have the power to live on, after the brain that creates them has returned to dust." - Napoleon Hill
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