Saturday, 26 September 2020

Self-Motivation - Surprises Are Part of Our Lives

Self-Motivation is a very important activity in our day to day life as we don't know what surprise will come and at what time.

We have to motivate ourselves to ensure that the surprise is being handled appropriately and WE SHOULD NEVER GIVE UP. Even though the surprises are common to everyone lives and every one motivate them to handle their surprises and take it forward.

We have to motivate ourselves to ensure that the surprise is being handled efficiently and functionally. We attempt through our article, to share ancient ideas and techniques to walk you through this journey of life surprises.

Hence, we have to understand that some of the important surprises & techniques to self-motivate in handling the surprises.


1) Financial Surprises: Generally, the companies or individuals will have a budget, unfortunately, the days may not go with the same budget planning. There may be a surprise in increase or decrease of the budget. This in turn, disturbs the financials. For projects in a company, the financial surprises can be corrected through appropriate contracts & claims management and for individuals it can be corrected through self-motivation techniques.

2) Health Surprises: Health issues may come up at any time which we cannot anticipate. We always should maintain discipline in our food habits, do daily exercises and drink appropriate water, which may avoid the health surprises.


Any surprise or any issue can be corrected through self-motivation techniques as mentioned below:

1) Firstly, we should analyze in depth about the surprise or the issue. We have to make a note point on WHAT, HOW & WHY. By answering these simple three words we can understand the reason for the surprise or the issue.

a. WHAT: What happened?

b. HOW: How it happened? How it went wrong.

c. WHY: Why this happened? What are the corrections?

2) Secondly, doing meditation and thinking on the solution for the surprise or the issue. In this way, we can get the solution and go forward.

3) Once we answer the What, How & Why, and for corrections, we should do meditation by taking a deep breath and concentrating on the breath and thinking on the corrections.

4) We have to continue the meditation till we find out the solution. Depending on the surprise, sometimes, we will find the solution in 2 - 3 times and sometimes it may take days.

5) We should NEVER GIVE UP and we should continue the meditation till we get the solution and certainly we will get the solution through meditation for any issue/surprise/problem.

6) After having a solution, we have to make a clear roadmap for solving the surprise or issue with a contingency plan.

7) Finally, we should always follow another 3-word principle, Plan, Check and Act, this 3-word principle can ensure to resolve the surprise or issue.


1) Generally, we face several problems in our day to day activities and we get panic or scared on an occurrence of such problems.

2) If we follow the techniques as mentioned above without getting panic or getting scared, we can easily resolve such problems by finding solutions and we can go forward in our lives and achieve success.

3) This article is to support the reader in addressing their problems/issues/surprises in an appropriate manner without getting panic or getting scared.

4) We request you to share this article after going through as this may help your friends to overcome their problems/issues/surprises.

5) All views or opinions or statements given in this Article are personal, which are in our knowledge/ information and do not signify any professional advice.

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