I have read many books and articles that recommend steps one needs to take in order to achieve success in many areas on one's life. Many are fantastic in their totality and others in part. I owe a lot to writers such as Brian Tracy, Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale, Jack Canfield, T. Harv Ecker, Charles F. Haanel, Dale Carnegie, Carlos Cuauhtémoc Sánchez, and John Assaraf, just to name a few. The wisdom and the practicality in those pages have helped me to become a better human being in business, in my family life, and as a member of society. What I am about to outline-steps you must take to go from where you are to where you ought to be-is only original in so far as having been
filtered through my own personal experience and my own mental, emotional and spiritual filter. You will hear echoes of other thinkers, of other doers, in my own ideas, and that is good! The art and the science of self-growth and human potential is probably the only one where imitation and emulation is allowed and preferred. The originality lies in "you being you" while using someone else's good ideas.
1. Sit down and think. It sounds trite, doesn't it? Yet, it was not until I sat down and though about where I was in life, who I was, or who I had become, and where I wanted to go with my life, that I got into a position to start changing and improving myself and my situation. This is a process you may have to start over, and over, in the different areas of your life. It is "an examination of conscience". It is a confrontation between the person you think you are and the person can envision being. Earl Nightingale in his famous recording of The Strangest Secret, says that today "men don't think." That statement penetrated deep into my mind. This "thinking" is done with your brain and with your gut. It ought to be a thinking that shakes the foundations of who you are, or think you are. As you go through this thinking process, write down all the ideas that you come up with, all the questions, all the names of people who come up in your thinking, all the desires and dreams that stir up in your soul.
2. Activate your will. I have had many reverses and challenges in my life and in my several careers: sickness, lack of funds, debt, problems in relationships, wrongdoing from others, and done by me to others, accidents and incidents that escape my control, problems with my children, touchy situations with my wife, etc. Throughout it all the one thing that sustained me, and allowed me to keep going forward was my will, my willpower. I want you to know that no matter what you are going through, no matter how dark the clouds look, looming in your horizon, that you will not succumb to the distress, you will not loose the war, that you will triumph over all adversity, one way, or another, if you hold on firmly the power in you we call the will. This faculty, which I call a gift, was given to you by God, and He himself can not bend it, or break it. It is your greatest weapon, your greatest fortress. "I will survive," "I will win," "I will go through this," "I will build this company," "I will buy that house," "I will send my child that school," the WILL says. John Assaraf in The Answer says: "Will is the conscious exercise of that quality of commitment [to do whatever it takes]. A person with a "strong will" is someone who can dig down deep and do whatever it takes to get the thing into motion." (p.39) I am asking you to activate your will. First realize you have one, then, strengthen it through affirmations such as: I can do it! I am the master at this! I continue until I succeed! Please realize that YOU are not what happens, or may happen outside of you. You are made to conquer and succeed, and what happens out there are the fires that forge the steel that you are.
3. Work on that on which you are brilliant. On your quest for greater success you are going to find many ideas, efforts, propositions, and activities that on the surface may seem to be the perfect fit for your life, for your career, for the fulfillment of your dreams, but, beware! My grandfather-of whom I will write in a future article-used to say "No todo lo que brilla es oro." This meant: Not everything that shines if made out of gold. Ask yourself: does this effort enhances, or allows me to use my talents, these talents I know I have in me? You must know and respect, and of course, develop those abilities that make you a jewel in this world. Well, the activities, businesses, and efforts that will propel you to the top of your field are those that utilize most fully your talents. Are you a talker, a writer, a charmer, a caregiver, an organizer, an artistic person? Let your talent, or talents, be the missing piece on that puzzle you are trying to put together. I will fit it like a glove.
So, to sum up: Start thinking, activate your willpower, do that in which you are brilliant!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Justo_Herrera/66458
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1834481
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