Tuesday 15 December 2020

Working From Home? How To Balance Your Chores With Your Work at Home Job

What a lot of people don't realize about the work at home job is that the things that need to be done around the house still exist. In fact, it seems when you work at home, these chores can be quite distracting and become something that some people seem to focus on more than when they worked away from home. There is this false feeling you get that because you are home you should be able to pay closer attention to the details of your home than you did when you were working elsewhere. What makes it even worse that generally your family and friends think the same way. However; this should not be the case. Just because you are working at home does not mean you have more time now in your schedule to do things around the house. In reality the amount of time shouldn't change at all. Here are a few pointers how you can better balance your chores with your work from home job.

Try making up a log that you can keep track of what you are doing around the house. You should record on this log the exact time at which you sit down at your work space to start working. You should also include the times you stop your work and start doing things that have nothing to do with your job. This is a good way to figure out when you are actually working and when you are doing other activities around the house.

From this log you should then sit down and make yourself a schedule. Write down this schedule and do your best to follow it on a daily basis. You need to teach yourself that you need to eat at a particular time of day, take a "me" breaks several times a day and these should be on the schedule. Make sure that you include certain chores as well and make sure they are on a set schedule as well. Make sure that you schedule your various phone calls at certain times of the day and only allow yourself to accept calls during certain times of the day, unless of course you have a phone line that is dedicated to your home job. You should also make yourself include deadlines for both your work tasks as well as your chores.

Make sure that your family is more involved around the house. Being at home all day long does not give them the right to run all over you and treat you as if you are not working and you are at their beck and call whenever they need you for something. In fact they should be asked to help out more with the chores and you should make sure that you delegate some of these chores to other members of your family. Now is the time they learn that you are not the only person in the house that is responsible for during chores to keep things running smoothly.

If it gets to a point where you feel things are out of hand and you can afford it, you might want to consider getting yourself a professional housekeeper to come in once a week or come by every other week or so to do so really heavy duty cleaning of your house. This will cut down on you having to worry about everything on top of trying to be successful at your work at home job.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Amy_Myer/844760

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6187120

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