What if you woke up tomorrow and couldn't remember anything you now know and forced to go back and learn everything from scratch. When I say scratch I mean learn how to walk, talk, read, and write all over again the whole gamut? In other words go back to start and you cannot collect $200 for passing go!
When you finished reading the last sentence or even before you finished your mind had fed up a
picture from the past of you or someone you saw playing a board game called "Monopoly". Now you didn't spell monopoly which you probably can but instead you saw a little mental movie of you are someone you know playing the game. It came up in what I call the Epimemory, or above the memory or minds eye. It's almost as if you were hovering above the table watching players competing for boardwalk with hopes of getting Park place too.
You see when you were born you essentially hit the record button on your brain starting the process of learning and developing memory traces. Then everyday for the next 6-7 years you were taking information in visually, or through your auditory cortex and emotionally laying down metaphorical scenarios, based on your cultural narratives you established from your environment. Basically building a picture vocabulary of files cataloged into your memory. Memories based primarily on where you were raised, who you lived with or taught by. It actually fueled your mind to help create who you are and where you are right now.
I know some of you are thinking why doesn't he tell me something new or that I didn't know. Well the new actually may be the old and it may have to be revisited in the mind periodically more often than just a "Deja Vu" moment. It will probably have to be visited by you even more actively and consciously than when you created it. It may be for the sole reasoning of re-firing or rewiring neural circuitry that was created subconsciously before. Yes those memories first learned in the early few years of life. In essence things you may have learned subconsciously. using rote behavior years ago may have to be reloaded in a conscious state, intentionally to make it recall-able at your mental fingertips!
In fact it may have to be reconstructed and revisited even more prolifically than initially in order to activate current landscape in your mind or at least to extend circuits or pathways needed to maintain the pliability your brain needs. The pliability or plasticity of a memory as discovered in the last few years to may need reconstructing to avoid mental maladies like Alzheimer's. A dreaded brain cell decaying of non active plaque covered neurons or brain cells that tend to atrophy and thin out. A disease now in epidemic proportions. The deterioration of complex wiring or pathways that may have taken back seat or a lower position of priority because something else you may be doing inadvertently is reaching out and claiming that cerebral real estate.
Our brains based on our surroundings habits and likes choose what I call the 3 factors choosing of memory construction and recall. 1) We remember what we understand. 2) We understand what we pay attention to. 3) We pay attention to what we like, want, desire or need! I have people say in the memory workshops we do I just can learn or remember names, or large amounts of information or math formulas.
Dare to ask that same person who won the super bowl in 2010. They can tell the team what the score was and most of the offensive and defensive players by name and college that were recruited from.
You remember the things you like and don't remember the things you don't like.
Now what that really equates to is our brain has a two code factor of acceptance or a new information learning code priority system. Number 1) Is Novelty- Is it novel enough to be diffusible or extrapolated out in our mind enough to break it down for storage and retrieval significance. Number 2) Familiarity- Is it familiar to us or in other words we've been there done that! So it's cataloged and not consciously enough to cause our minds to revisit at that particular point.
In the 21st century learning will require controlling your attempts to continually be multitasking thinking it brings more efficiency to being more aware focused and in the here and now. Proof in research results show strong indications that we are not very good at multitasking. Especially those scenarios where it comes to handling information overload. Today things come at us faster and more abundantly, because of advances in technology exposure to more quicker and advanced measurement gadgetry now available.
Neuroscience shows that our memories are stored between two receptors in what is called the synaptic gap. The space at the end of wiring called dendrites between two separate brain cells or neurons. Today researchers are saying Donald Olding Hebbs theory of if it's wired together it fires together now plays a very important role in our life and mental clarity.
We have an estimated 100 billion brain cells in our brain. A lab overseas in the Swiss area claims to have actually counted 23 - 25 billion actual brain cells. The real importance though is that can our brains can be rewired daily, by our brain simply visualizing something that we perceive important. Actually or don't perceive as important don't want, despise and don't look forward to getting.
Let me explain: I want you to imagine taking a needle and sticking it into your heart chamber siphoning out heart cells and putting them into a Petr i dish. Now imagine looking at the cells through a molecular microscope and what you would see is a dish full of cells that beat at a tempo right in the dish as it did in your heart chamber while you watch. I have watched such action. Now because of advances in molecular technology and brain imaging technology I have seen brain cells essentially do the same thing. I watched dendrites with spines or brain cells,(neurons) taken from the brains wiring structures moving like tentacles in a Petr i dish reaching out to make connection or moving until connection is found.
The final connection is actually formed when the two receptors at the end of the dendrite constructs or the synapse fires connecting two brain cells together creating what is known as the memory trace. The process I am describing is the biological equivalent of encoding and storing of a learned data point, fact, line of a poem or a formula in a synaptic space between the two receptors from two separate brain cells.
The same thing that took place as the metaphor or cultural narrative I told you happened day in and day out in beginning of the first 7 years of your life. It continues even in the process of you reading this article. Now, knowing how the brain works will help you understand why that process you continue to experience daily is so important. Important enough that if you do the routine thing day in and day out you are not firing or rewiring any new pathways.
Neurobics the new brain maintenance science shows today this process has to be active to the point of you taking control of it consciously. Not just letting your subconscious learning mechanism be so prominent in the learning process that you can't control it.
Alzheimer's is the result of memories, previously built as complex pathways at the synapse and created in your mind early on must be active by doing non routine rewiring and refiring either consciously or subconsciously in your mind. Without this active process and if not revisited enough they begin to atrophy and thin out and will continue to do so until you change the brain habits in your life. Neurobics requires two things to happen to provide active gains 1) Experience the unexpected 2) Use two or more if you can all five senses. If you are not learning something new or relearning something more proactively using Neurobics you lack what has been discovered to be the equivalent of exercising your body but actually exercising your brains complex circuitry and pathways the same way.
Passive viewing or observing leaves and not being part of the game, movie or event may leave you vulnerable to the thinning process of these neural pathways. They need to be fired and created actively to avoid MCI mild cognitive Impairment leading to Alzheimer's. Researchers now show so many of our worldwide population are experiencing these mental maladies. (estimated 6.7 million alone in U.S..)
The fact is everyone basically could experience such maladies the same way because 90 percent of the population has no idea how the brain works short of a very general abstract view or understanding. Now the good new is 90% won't experience these diseases but won't know until it's too late. The better news is you can do exercises like Neurobics to make sure it doesn't happen to you. You can also be more mentally acute at the same time by folding it right into your lifestyle all the while reducing your stress and improving your own brain Health.
The key is learning new memory skills to encode, store and recall information and then practice. You will be simply replaying those little mental movies in your mind to make them rewire and re-fire more abundantly. By doing so and more often building new plentiful pathways you are avoid the thinning or degradation of your brains health.
Again Neurobics requires two major things. 1) Experience the unexpected 2) Use all five senses to lay down the new memory traces you construct daily. Learning new memory skills require you to learn a different encoding, storage and retrieval system than the rote memorization process you use to use. Conscious focused awareness is the secret to a new theory of learning called EPIMEMORY- or above memory. The fulfilling of the Encoding Specificity Principle- which says a stimuli or stimulus can cause you to recall a memory as long as the memory is tied to a queue. The queue is a mental location somewhere to store the information. Mnemonic devices and mnemonic skills training are the way for 21st Century Memory! The true answer to Baby Boomers age associated memory loss myth!
The new memory for the 21st century is taught using experiential learning coupled with positive psychology and then Neurobics training to achieve LEARNING THAT STICKS!
It's the kind of learning and memory skills used to reduce the time it takes to learn, retain, comprehend and ultimately recall more at your mental fingertips when you need it.
"We remember what we understand! We understand what we pay attention to! We pay attention to what we want, need or desire!" "America's Memory Guru"
None of us desire Alzheimer's or Mental maladies!
The Memory Technologies Institute specializes in memory skills training. Workshops conducted live, online or CD/DVD programs for the everyday memory problems of all individuals.
MTI, by simplifying the memory process has become one of America's leading only accredited for license required continuing education credits on memory training workshops. Their trained memory speakers and instructors are certified in accordance with "HR Bill 6578 by President Bush Sr. in 1989 for the decade of the brain". A free down load is available on I Phone and Android under "America's Memory GURU" or http://www.memorytrainingworkshops.com
Harold Mangum a Cognitive Memory Training Psychologist is also President of MTI has been studying mnemonics for 23 years and currently teaches at universities, and corporations like Texas Instruments, Halliburton, Schlumberger, AT&T, Xerox, Eastman Kodak, Microsoft, Entex, Sprint USA, Bausch & Lomb, Johnson & Johnson, 3M and many more fortune 500 companies.
MTI'S style of experiential instruction shortens the process of learning and aligns the conscious and unconscious cognitive ability of the mind. He has developed in authorship several memory programs, like Maximum Recall Memory, Advanced Memory Recall, Maximum Scripture Memory Recall, and Advance Numbers and Playing cards leads the industry as the most used mnemonics training in the industry. The newest program Maximum Name recall is the newest addition. Harold is featured as Keynote speaker for hundreds of associations and conferences all over the U.S. Ezine members receive a 50% price reduction of all audio programs and corporate group rates at the workshops.
For more information, products available and how to book a presentation or keynote address at your next conference or convention http://www.haroldmangum.com
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Harold_Mangum/437890
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7237994
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