Sunday, 27 September 2020

Jim Rohn How to Solve Your Money Problems Law of Attraction

S.M.A.R.T. Goals By Jim Rohn | Submitted On January 25, 2005

(excerpted from the Jim Rohn One-Year Success Plan)

Jim Rohn's Second Pillar of Success: Goal-Setting, Part Three - S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Hi, Jim Rohn here. As you know, we are focused on the Second Pillar of Success this month - Goal-Setting.

How to Set Up and Achieve Your Business Goals

A goal is a specific, measurable result you want to achieve at a determinable time in the future. You won't succeed in anything unless you are clear about what you want to achieve, how to measure and how well you have achieved it.

The concept of goals in business is often either overlooked or overworked in business success. Setting goals will steer you towards opportunities while enabling you to overcome obstacles necessary for their accomplishment.

Saturday, 26 September 2020

Passive Income: How To Make $100 Per Day In 2020

Self-Motivation - Surprises Are Part of Our Lives

Self-Motivation is a very important activity in our day to day life as we don't know what surprise will come and at what time.

We have to motivate ourselves to ensure that the surprise is being handled appropriately and WE SHOULD NEVER GIVE UP. Even though the surprises are common to everyone lives and every one motivate them to handle their surprises and take it forward.

Friday, 25 September 2020

Tony Robbins - THE SECRET TO SELF CONTROL. An Amazing Motivational Speech

John Assaraf's Winning the Inner Game of Money Review

Did you ever dream of living a luxurious life with everything you ever desired and all this available at the tip of your fingers? You did. Well, most of us did, but the million-dollar question is HOW?

The answer rather surprisingly is very plain and simple. But before giving you the answer let's learn a bit or two about the person who devised this amazing technique to let us pursue our dreams and get what we wanted rather being satisfied with what we need. Sounds too good to be true? Read on to

Thursday, 24 September 2020

How to teach and train your brain to Get What You Really Want ? - John Assaraf

Three Sure Shot Steps to Achieve Enormous Success

I have read many books and articles that recommend steps one needs to take in order to achieve success in many areas on one's life. Many are fantastic in their totality and others in part. I owe a lot to writers such as Brian Tracy, Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale, Jack Canfield, T. Harv Ecker, Charles F. Haanel, Dale Carnegie, Carlos Cuauhtémoc Sánchez, and John Assaraf, just to name a few. The wisdom and the practicality in those pages have helped me to become a better human being in business, in my family life, and as a member of society. What I am about to outline-steps you must take to go from where you are to where you ought to be-is only original in so far as having been

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

How to Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goals | Stephen Duneier | TEDxTucson

How to Become an Expert in Your Niche Like Tony Robbins

One of the biggest motivational speakers of our time is Tony Robbins. This motivational speaker offers advice that can help you to turn your life around. You will be surprised at how much you can turn your life around by following his seminars or programs.

About Tony Robbins

Turn Jobs Into Careers: Degrees People Need For The Best Pay

In the midst of the recession, a sampling of US workers revealed that over one-half believed they were in stagnant careers and were exhibiting signs of work related stress. But with high unemployment rates, and little hiring going on, what could they do about it? Not much. It is no wonder that "a recent survey by job-placement firm Manpower indicates 84% of employees plan to look for a new position in the coming year. That's up from just 60% last year, as reported by"

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

12 Highest Paying Work-at-Home Jobs of 2020 | Online, Remote Work-From-H...

4 Primary Features Shopify Offers to You

Shopify is gradually becoming the popular platform for designing your e-store because of its simple yet effective features. This allows you to create an online store, manage and sell your products, and track your profit. There are four main features offered by Shopify which take care of your business from the very beginning. It offers a complete e-commerce solution with which you can maintain everything you want.

1. Storefront:

Friday, 18 September 2020

Top 10 RICHEST YouTubers of 2018 (Guava Juice, Jake Paul, PopularMMOs, ...

How to Earn Extra Money by YouTube Video Marketing

If you want to make money online, YouTube can provide you a number of ways. YouTube gets more than 1 billion unique visits every month - really a huge base of audiences. So, many people have already started using this platform to make money. Participating in the YouTube Partner Program is the way to begin. Use Google's Creator Playbook to create your profile and get ready to monetize.

Use it for promotion of products:

Thursday, 17 September 2020

7 Passive Income Ideas [Proven $5K a Month Fast]

Online Based Business - Here Are Unique Reasons To Start Your Own Online Based Business

People all over the United States are starting their own online based business. The reasons for the rise in online-based businesses vary from person to person. There are dozens of benefits that you can gain from starting your own business. However, if you wish to be successful, you must discipline yourself and you must educate yourself on the type of businesses you would like to be involved in. By being an online-based business owner, you might put yourself in position to never have to work for someone else again. You can experience true financial freedom and be able to take proper care of your loved ones and the people in your community.

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

"How To Work From Home" Online Jobs

Work From Home And Make Money With Your Own Online Business

Start Your Own Online Business- Top Reasons Why You Should
It isn't easy to start an online business. Some people may lie to you and say it is the easiest thing they have ever done, but they are being at best unrealistic. Running an online business is as the name implies, "a business that is online". So there are certain rules you must follow in order to earn cash online (and do it the right way).

Even though there are challenges to running a business online there are benefits to it as well. In my view it is better to start a business online. Below I have listed some of the top reasons I believe this to be true.

Tuesday, 15 September 2020


How to Use a Free Bitcoin Generator

Bitcoin is the new cryptocurrency designed by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2007 and was brought into existence in the business-world in 2009, widely accepted by a large number of investors as it promises the higher return on their investments. Bitcoin is used in many countries as an alternative currency. Many bitcoin companies have been established expanding their customer base in various countries by providing lucrative returns and easy convertible policy. A bitcoin generator is becoming

Monday, 14 September 2020

How to Make $1,000+ Per DAY with Affiliate Marketing!

Affiliate Marketing Lessons

There are lots of places on the internet that claim to offer affiliate marketing lessons. It's sometimes difficult though to distinguish the correct information from the false sales patter. Many people see the get rich quick schemes and guides to instant wealth and get their hopes up that they can start something today and be a millionaire by tomorrow. Unfortunately anything that seems too good to be true is usually just that, too good to be true!!

Affiliate Marketing Lessons - Research

Sunday, 13 September 2020

Make Money Blogging �� : From 0 to $1,000+ per day

The Best Way Make Money Blogging

My name is Andy Thomson, and I want to tell you how to earn an additional income through your blog site.

Many people dream of becoming rich through their blog site, but the sad truth is very few people make

any money at all, and it all ends in disappointment. I want to give you a little bit of help with a few pointers into turning your blog into your business.

Saturday, 12 September 2020

Shopify | Products That Made Me $100,000 Or More In My Stores

MLM Business - How to Earn $100,000 a Month Your 1st Year

This may sound like an outlandish claim, but this is not the high end of what top producers in the network marketing industry are making. This is just a number based on what many of you aspiring top producers would like to make to feel very successful with your MLM business, and to feel comfortable with their future.

Last night I was blessed to meet with Mr. Mark Yarnell, a legendary figure in network marketing. He revealed to me how to earn $100,000 per year your first year in MLM, and within that conversation the "10 landmines to avoid" that will destroy your chances of doing so. Today we are going to cover what you have to do, or "How To Earn $100,000 A Month Your 1st Year" in your MLM home business.

Friday, 11 September 2020

HOW TO BUY BITCOIN 2020 - Easy Ways to Invest In Cryptocurrency For Begi...

Top Cryptocurrencies for 2020: What Are the Best Bitcoin Alternatives?

Important: This position should not be considered as an investment council. The author focuses on the best coins in terms of actual use and adoption, not from a financial or investment perspective.

In 2017, cryptographic markets set the new standard for simple profits. Almost every piece or chip made incredible returns. "A rising tide throws all the boats," as they say, and the end of 2017 was a deluge. The increase in prices has created a positive feedback cycle, which is attracting more and more capital into Crypto. Unfortunately, but inevitably, this galloping market is leading to a massive investment. Money has been thrown indiscriminately in all kinds of dubious projects, many of which will not bear fruit.

Thursday, 10 September 2020

How to Make $1000 on YouTube — 3 Ways to Earn Money on YouTube in 2020

How To Make Money Online Via YouTube

I know most readers would be thinking about how it is even possible to make money from YouTube. Ridiculous, right?

It's only a platform for you to upload and view videos online but only a few number of people have discovered the hidden GOLDMINE of this simple video-sharing platform.

What's the secret? I know that's the question on your mind right now.

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

How to Make Money on YouTube!

Simple Tips on How to Make Money From YouTube

The social media platform is getting bigger each day. On several blogs, you see many people talking about how they made money on the different social media platforms including YouTube. Though most people would think that it is impossible, there are ways on how to make money from YouTube.

Though many would jump at the prospect of being paid six figures earning each month, it may take a long time with your effort. Making money from YouTube takes time as one may need to do some things to be able to make that money.

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

How To Write a Business Plan To Start Your Own Business

Writing a Business Plan - A How-To Guide

Lots of people want to start their own business. One of the first things that stops these would-be entrepreneurs from realizing their ambitions is the seemingly daunting task of writing a business plan. Writing a business plan, though, is a rather easy task if you understand your business, so let's take a look at what a business plan entails.

Before we jump into drafting our business plan, we should think about why we are writing a business plan in the first place. Most business plans are used to secure financing for a business - whether it be a start-up or an existing company looking for additional capital. This financing could come from a bank, an equity or venture capital fund, friends, family or just about any other potential investor you could think of.

Monday, 7 September 2020

10 Websites You Can Make $100 A Day From Online! (No Special Skills)

5 Ways To Make An Extra 10K A Month Working From Home

In spite of our challenging economy there are still ways to make substantial money to either support your current business - or become a second income for you and your family.

These different methods can create many passive streams of income that provide seed money to help your business' cash flow or can just help you make ends meet personally.

1. Consulting

Sunday, 6 September 2020

10 Highest Paid Jobs You Can Do From Home

Welding Jobs: Ideas You Can Use At Home To Make Money Welding (No Boss While You Make $100,000)

What if you could make $100,000 a year welding from home?

What if you could make even an extra $500 a month from home, using your current skills? If you are a welder with basic welding skills and you are between jobs or you are being under paid in your current job, it might be worth your time to read this article - let's think outside the box for just a minute on how you can make money welding from home.

From Home Welding # 1:

Saturday, 5 September 2020

I'm A Teenage Bitcoin Millionaire

Should You Invest in Bitcoin?

If you are wondering what Bitcoin is and if you should invest in it, then this article is for you. In 2010, the value of one Bitcoin was only 5 cents. Fast forward in 2017 and its value touched $20,000. Again, the price dropped to $8,000 within the next 24 hours, thus causing a huge loss to the currency holders.

If you have been trying to find out more about Bitcoin, this read can help you. According to statistics, around 24% of the Americans know what this thing is. However, the currency still has a value of over $152 billion. That is the one of the most common reasons behind the popularity of this thing. Let's know what it is and whether you should invest in it.

What Is Bitcoin?

Friday, 4 September 2020

How to Get Free Stuff on Amazon

Why Should You Pay When You Can Get Free Stuff?

It feels nice when you get some free products once in a while. Who wants to pay lots of valuable money for clothes, shoes, fashion accessories and baby products when you can actually get them for free? Yes, there are lots of freebies available on the internet. There are many websites which offer their products for free as a preliminary offer or when they have launched a new product and want their customers to get familiar with it.

If you are interested in getting free stuff like makeup, baby care products, clothes and even laptops or other computer hardware, then the best place to start looking for them are the free giveaway websites. These websites basically promote the products of various companies and they have fun and innovative contests and draws whereby a surfer can win lots of free stuff.

Thursday, 3 September 2020

WHAT is Affiliate Marketing and HOW Does it Work? For Beginners!

5 Steps on How to Start Affiliate Marketing for Beginners


Transitioning from a guaranteed paycheck to the murky entrepreneurial waters can be a very intimidating step. The what-if this happens conversation going on in the mind just seems to get louder and louder.

Despite a firm belief that going into business is undoubtedly the most rewarding way to live life, getting rid of that fear. But that is OK, at some point we all figure out to take action.